Report: 87% of Women in Crypto Revealed to be Men
Researchers found that the fake profiles were often used to promote certain cryptocurrency projects.

A recent study has shed light on an unsurprising fact - 87% of the women in the online crypto space are actually men.
The study, which was conducted by a team of researchers at a leading crypto research firm Snailalysis, analyzed the online profiles of thousands of individuals involved in the crypto industry.
The researchers found that the fake female profiles were often used to promote certain cryptocurrency projects, with the creators taking advantage of the hordes of horny simps online.
Responses from some of the followers of the fake profiles have been varied:
"Am I mad? Not sure. Should I have given 1 Eth away to some dude pretending to be a woman online? Probably not", one user commented.
"I thought we all knew they were men?", another user said.
Snailalysis estimates that if all fake profiles were removed, there would be a staggering 6 women left in the online crypto space. This figure is over 3 times the estimate from the 2021 bullrun, leaving experts pondering the legitimacy of the claims.
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