r/CryptoCurrency Users Conflicted Over Which Wrong Coin To Back For Next Bull Run
Insiders claim that teams will do whatever they can to ensure their coin doesn't become a favorite of the subreddit.

Users of the subreddit r/CryptoCurrency are reportedly struggling to pick which wrong coin to rally behind for the upcoming bull run.
Sources say that members of the forum are torn between various highly underperforming cryptocurrencies.
Industry insiders claim that teams will do whatever they can to ensure their coin doesn't become a favorite of the subreddit, calling it a curse for any project.
"It's like free bad advertising," a representative from the Algorand Foundation told reporters. "I'm convinced that $ALGO would be a top 10 project if they didn't take such a liking to us."
Users of the subreddit are reportedly refusing to back Algorand going into the next bull run because there's a chance it might actually perform well.
As the bull run approaches, it remains to be seen which wrong coin r/CryptoCurrency users will ultimately choose to rally behind.
Only one thing is certain - whatever they pick, it's bound to underperform compared to the rest of the market.
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